Understanding Gallbladder Stone Surgery in Attapur
Nearly every gallbladder stone surgery is performed with laparoscopy. After providing the patient a medication to sedate him or her, the surgeon will make tiny incisions in the abdomen and inserts the laparoscope as well as a miniature video camera, which sends a magnified image from the inside of the body to a video monitor. This provides the surgeon a close-up view of the tissues and organs. While watching the video monitor, the surgeon will use instruments to separate the gallbladder carefully from the bile ducts, liver, and some structures. The surgeon will then cut the cystic duct and gets rid of the gallbladder through one of the incisions. Recovery after the laparoscopic surgery typically involves only one night in the hospital and the normal activity may be resumed after several days at home. Since abdominal muscles aren't cut during the laparoscopic surgery, the patients have fewer complications and less pain compared to open surgery that requires a five to eight inch inci...